It's said we're different. We like that.

At Firebird, we practise what we preach (although we’re not that preachy tbh). Our approach is that everyone who comes to us is there to learn, there are no stupid questions, and it’s our job to give you a safe space to share your ideas. We give you inspiring, actionable takeaways that you can start using right now.

Neurodiverse inclusion can result in a staff retention rate of 98%.

Source: Neurodiversity in the workplace

A word from
the head honcho

Rachel Morgan-Trimmer

I founded this consultancy to help people like me. I deliver a lot of the training, and all of the talks. My ADHD means I never bore anyone and my autism means I over-deliver. My varied professional background and years running my own business mean I communicate like a ninja (only louder, obviously).

I live with 5 boys (1 large, 2 small, 2 feline) in Manchester. I like tea, Radio 3, John Lewis (the civil rights activist) and John Lewis (the department store). When the ADHD allows, I read many books on many topics. I wish I could play the harp.

The crew

Our hand-picked crew are chosen because they share our values and their work is of a very high standard. We all have our own specialist areas, which means each of us can work to our strengths.

We have trainers (the people, not the shoes) who have a ton of both professional and lived experience (it’s important to us that all trainers have first-hand experience of neurodiversity). We also have neurodiversity coaches and assessors, plus highly-skilled support staff to make everything run like clockwork.

We’re proud of our team and are each other’s biggest cheerleaders.

Kate Jones, Dip Couns, PG Dip TA (P), PG Cert. Clinical Supervision

Kate is our mental health trainer. A qualified psychotherapist, she specialises in the intersection of neurodiversity and mental health. She works with a wide range of people and organisations at the forefront of neurodiversity, and lectures internationally. Kate is autistic and has ADHD.

Claire Fell

Claire is the gently-purring engine behind our success – and the person you’ll most likely deal with if you ask us for literally anything. Hugely experienced with a corporate HR background, Claire manages everything from our most complex projects to our most trivial issues – and does it with an enviable sense of calm. Claire is neurotypical.

Five reasons to choose Firebird

  1. Our team of trainers and consultants all have lived experience, so we understand first-hand the strengths and challenges of neurodiversity.
  2. All of us are trained in education, public speaking, coaching and a few other things besides, so you can rest assured you get the benefit of both our lived and professional experience.
  3. We enable behaviour change through easy, actionable steps people can take straight away.
  4. Our training and presentations are engaging and memorable so people can listen, learn and understand.
  5. Everything is tailored to you, your team and your organisation – because when it comes to neurodiversity, one size definitely does not fit all.

How to get in touch

Contact us if you want to have a chat. If you’re ready to discuss how we can help you, book a discovery call.